Monday, November 8, 2010

Quick Pan Cake Recipes


of 17 - 20.02.2011
in the beautiful WEST RICH (West Pfalz)
at the castle Lichtenberg 66 871 Thallichtenberg

people who does not know,'s can now ; know.
I would like you to Filzbegegnung of a different kind invite. 2010 was for me because of the Intern.
Filzausstellung and simultaneously meeting the most stressful. So I've decided to
slow Filzweg: Margaret Warth said once wonderfully aptly: 'the felt is not so all
fast "and even the CEO of the Soltau Filzfabrik, Mr Peter Bartolitius, known in the guide
occasion by his company of the 1st Soltauer Filzmodenschau: "You can speed up the felting process only up to a
some degree, goes beyond anything. "
arrival and General
If the arrival, as always, in the course of Thursday afternoon or Friday morning.
The mixture is checked out, settled domestic, meets, it has a little chat, and whoever wants to bring his
representation to people - all without stress: Remember SLOWFIL Z. You get all the documents for the two
days, respectively . and the following intensive courses and then to your name tags and a Ticket to
Museum at the castle, the Geoskop, an extraordinary prehistoric museum - an important station for the
preparing on Friday for Saturday
On Freitagvor afternoon and is called for your visit and the self-Geoskop coming together in
groups of 3 max. 4 participants. These small groups are looking for in the museum either on their own
or one from the list that I prepared: there are written on terms like 'tree fern', Steinhardt
peas', 'Swordfish', 'Rotliegend' and much, much more. Of course I'm going to be, on any
think about associative terms. But these are only suggestions and not binding. Each of the
group works to the subject matter but on his own terms. If the group wants to work together at a
on a piece of her that is of course free.
relaxation program on Friday
Friday afternoon you can to your visit to the museum also between a 5 km long guided
walks in the surrounding area, select one Laughter Yoga session indoors or out (depending on weather and mood)
or a visit to the nearby county town . The latter has to offer at first glance, not much -
of the former cloth and hatter's get out of a converted textile mill and a
Hutmacherbrunnen unfortunately nothing more - and yet again a gem, where the sight it is more
worth - for example, unexpected sculpture ...
A bit of work on Friday
starts at 16.00 clock the annual meeting of our association, "FELT NETWORK eV", to which
hopefully all members present, but also interested-yet Non-members will gather. We will
the then Germany came to an end Intern. Filzausstellung report on the state of
things currently work-in-training program in textile designers in the trades, specializing in FELTS "
and much more.
Saturday workshops
There will be no teacher is, each one called for in the small group to the self-selected
topic or to come up from the list a bit and Then on Saturday the draw. The
together works from 3 max. 4 participants to a given topic / concept brings an incredible
out diversity. I am convinced that so each participant the best teacher and most
is creative head. In the result, we must surely all be very excited.
This group works all take place in JHB or at the castle.
exhibition at the horseshoe tower
In this particular space (a former ammunition depot in the Middle Ages, including the provision
loopholes), we will decorate your brought treasures and you will present on Friday evening. The
exhibition will be on display until Sunday morning and then again dissolved. As a theme I imagine castle
Castle, 'Royal' in front, as it may Begegnung ja auf einer Burg stattfindet. Als dann, 'adelt' eure Filzwerke.
Die Ausstellung ist selbstverständlich am Samstag der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich und wird mit allen anderen
Aktivitäten der Filzbegegnung auf verschiedenen Veranstaltungsseiten im Netz veröffentlich.
Relax-Programm am Samstag
Massage am Samstag während des gesamten Tages im halbstündigen Rhythmus
Bei dem angestrengten und konzentrierten Arbeiten ist man schon mal leicht verspannt. Was könnte da schöner
be , than go for half an hour massaging and kneading hands (I do this every week with
great success). Depending on the booking 3-4 trained masseuses will offer this service locally at a
very reasonable price. I should know in advance who will be 'hedonistic'. There
The social well-deserved round on Saturday night
On Saturday evening, the already mandatory colorful evening with hopefully much nicer Entertainment
each other. A fashion show to be compulsory. With Hattingen I can keep up certainly not - the
was unique - but I would like to make it a little different: they want out of your creations to
hats / headgear of all kinds, jewelry for the neck, fingers and arm and hand bags are made.
is accompanied the whole strength of Blues jazz music, which then turns into a lively dance music.
Final Sunday morning
place after breakfast on Sunday morning every Saturday to the small groups with their works may be a
few notes to ideas. And so slowly the sounds of general Filzertreffen before and on the
To Bring materials
are - as in the past - make the already-known wool weaving their wool for the Saturday
free of charge. You need only your Filzutensilien (as there can be: sheets, towels,
sprinkler water, soap, felted fabrics, water bowls, mats, blinds, etc.) to bring and of course all sorts
gems that you might einfilzen, embroider or incorporated in any other way you want.
After that, I wish those who passed away on Sunday, a safe journey home.

I succeeded - I hope for you to win great course teachers for intensive courses. Since I
is still a few details, you will receive the first time as announcements. The detailed information about the
be announced intensive courses will be available soon.
Due to the large space required for the courses, only one course in a space to take place at the castle. The
remaining four courses are held in village houses in the surrounding villages - about 2-5 km from the castle
away. For lunch, which will be included in the tuition fee, all come together at the castle
Agostina Zwilling from Italy
all personal clothing of a piece
- a 6-day course from 21 to 26/02/2011 -
(stencil art) - for participants with basic knowledge
The course is in English and German instead
participant number 14
Beate Bossert
based units - The fascination of the three-dimensional felting
- a 3-day course from 21 to 02/23/2011 -
(Schablonentechnik) - für Teilnehmende mit Grundkenntnissen
Der Kurs findet in Deutsch statt.
Teilnehmerzahl 10
Heidi Greb
"Sich ein Fell zulegen - das goldene Vlies"
Arbeiten mit Rohwolle in der Fläche
- ein 4 Tage-Kurs vom 21.-24.02.2011 -
Für Teilnehmer mit Grundkenntnissen
Der Kurs findet in Deutsch statt
Teilnehmerzahl 10
Anna Gunnarsdóttir
Large vessels made of wool, horse hair, fish skin and different fibers
(big forms of vessels, using wool, horse-hair and fish-skin as well as different types of fibers)
- a 3-day course from 21 to 23/02/2011 -
For participants with basic knowledge
The course is in English instead
number of participants 12
May Jacobsen Hvistendah l
clothing - the issue is not yet clear
- a 3-day course from 21 to 23/02/2011 -
For participants with basic knowledge
The course is in English instead
number 10


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