Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Long Sony Camcorder Battery Life Is

second in Germany Filzmodenschau Soltau and Filzwelt

captured from September 2010 to January 2011, felt the
Game Museum Soltau.
In the working title "Filzräume - Filzträume" in
this period very be different Felt art and see
design objects.

The program of the exhibition is planned for early
November, a new edition the felt fashion show ,
celebrated its successful premiere in 2008 in Soltau.
But the Foundation was looking game to Wear
game museum now another ten enthusiastic and committed
marker and Filzerinnen who want to present their felt fashion in this context
. I'm with you.
The city Soltau has a long Filztradition, for even
has been producing more than 150 years Filzfabrik the
brothers Roeder AG here their felt - and not in
remote industrial area, but directly in the
downtown, with direct connection of the listed
factory buildings to the pedestrian zone.

In the coming years, resulting in those same
listed buildings, a special
attraction for Soltau: a Filzwelt that insight
are in the modern production of felts, in
exhibition spaces, the cultural history
of the felt and wonderful historical Filzspielzeuge
Company Steiff präsentiert, in einer Entdeckerzone die
Eigenschaften des Materials sinnlich erfahrbar macht und
darüber hinaus Flächen für einen Filzmarkt sowie
Tagungsräume und einen Filzspielplatz vorsieht.

Die Modenschau findet statt von 19 - 21 Uhr in den Räumen
der Bibliothek in Soltau.
Ein Kauf der gezeigten Produkte ist im Anschluss möglich.


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