Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Best Oil For Austin Mini Automatic

interview: couture and so on :)

My next interview I had with the 13-year-old Anne, who lives near Hanover. In her blog ' couture and so on ' you can convince them that it is now very fashionable.

How long have you blogging and how did you get that?

I blog since June of this year. Kurt in front of my 'blog beginning' I have read in an article about fashion blogs GLAMOUR what I wanted to try it sometimes:)

holst How you look at the inspiration of the topics on your blog?

direct inspiration I get is not me, I am often in the morning before my wardrobe and think about 15 minutes what should I wear, that I'm looking to try my outfits by:)
know If not me, as I have a particular garment is to combine fine for me, at times also in look book etc. ..

Which blogs do you read yourself happy?

Many different, there are some that I read very often, eg http://fashionhypeaynur.blogspot.com/, http://fashionhippieloves.blogspot.com/, http://www.stylescrapbook.com/. .. I also love the 'style' style versus content of http://www.blueisinfashionthisyear.com!

Blog What would you suggest for an interview?

Hm. perhaps http://donnaromina.blogspot.com/ the blog:)

Which is the most important product in your life?

There is not really one specific .. :)

Who is your favorite designer?

I never really buy designer stuff ... However, I like the bags from Hermes and Mulberry very much. From her clothes, it all depends on the collections of the designers:)

What was your biggest styling sin?

Oh God, that was when I was 11: D I had a bright blue blouse and red tights .. wahh!

What would you never wear?

Well, white boots, pointed shoes, pants .. so the 'normal':)!

What goals do you have for the future?

My Abi in 4 years and then study. After that, I do not know what I want to work again. But I would love to do something with fashion!

What are you wearing anything around in your bag with you?

cell phone, wallet, powder, pencil? Notebook, handkerchiefs ...

can not get enough of what song you?

Eminem ft. Rihanna - Like the way you lie

Bob ft. Hayley Williams - Airplanes

thank you ♥


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