Sunday, September 12, 2010

Vulval Hair How To Get Rid Of

interview: alice goes to wonderland

Tender 13 is the love Alice from Baden-Württemberg, which I could imagine a few short questions about herself and her blog ' Alice goes to Wonderland '.

How did you get the name of your blog and what does it mean to you?

I have a girlfriend a long time about the name and wanted him only Alice called in Wonderland, but then I got the idea that I now even go under the bloggers and deeper into the fashion world and found Alice goes to Wonderland more appropriate somehow.

Which blogs do you read yourself happy?

a very difficult question, I think, but my favorite I like:

Which blog would you suggest for an interview?

I believe her:

What is your favorite piece in your wardrobe?

my plain, black Rock H & M, because it can be really great to combine all well and is very practical and my secondhand blazer from Marc Cain.

What is up for the fashion must-have at the moment?

something earthier Boots to playful dresses and pretty much everything in the Marine style.

What did you just at the moment?

A white shirt from H & M, a taupe-colored high-waist skirt from H & M and a dark blue cardigan by ZARA

Which body part you can find with you on the most beautiful and which would you like to change?

Well, I find my legs and my stomach would be flat, but I think that everyone wants: D

What is your favorite movie?

Forrest Gump and The Devil Wears Prada

What question would you be interested in an interview the most?

wear what you ALWAYS, ALWAYS with rum really in your pocket?

What 3 things would you take to a deserted island?

I can not tell you as real, as must ich jetzt lange, lange drüber nachdenken.

DANKEschön ♥

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

2010 Acura Rl Oil Capacity

interview: colors of the world

Kia aus Niedersachsen hat sich und ihren Blog ' Colors of the world ' für ein Interview zur Verfügung gestellt & ich bin ganz begeistert von den süßen DIY-Ideen, die die 19-Jährige unter anderem in ihrem Blog ausprobiert.

Wie würdest du dich in 3 Worten beschreiben?

verrückt, lustig, kreativ

Seit wann bloggst du & wie bist du dazu gekommen?

Ich habe Last year in November, started blogging. At that time, but without their own blog, but with a few other on-going style. (Http://
Before that I had quite a long read various blogs. At some point, were looking for style-los authors and I have sometimes spontaneously executed sends mail. Since I am infected with the virus, once you started blogging you can somehow not stop And now it is my current blog since the beginning of August:)

Which blogs do you read yourself happy ?

I enjoy reading blogs when I have the feeling that the blogger / blogger is authentic He also attempts to be known not at any price with her / his blog.
Then I read also love DIY and Nähblogs. It's incredible what some people have great ideas! Pure fashion blogs I read only if the person is making good photos, which I find very important.

Blog What would you suggest for an interview?

Mareike of blemish-up? (Http://
shakes me every time on your blog again. He encourages me to really think, and I find that it is a very interesting and strong person.

Welches ist dein Lieblingsfilm?

Einen Lieblingsfilm habe ich nicht. Ich bin mehr so der Fernsehjunkie.

Wie viel Paar Schuhe besitzt du?

Vierzehn, also gar nicht mal so viele!

Welches Kleidungsstück/Accessoire würdest du gerne besitzen?

Ich suche im Moment verzweifelt den "Asos Travel Bag" aus einer älteren Kollektion.
Und wenn ich einmal reich und berühmt bin, werde ich ganz viele Chanel Taschen und Manolo Blahniks besitzen ;)

Wo shoppst is your favorite online and "live"?

live dear, I have to wear see and touch the objects, and especially. I only buy online if I do something in my area or do not get it is particularly favorable.

Which body part you can find with you on the most beautiful and which change would you like?

I like my eyes and my skin is in fact great, I do not need any makeup and pimples have rarely * yay *
What bothers me is my nose, which is relatively wide, just like my butt;)

What is the most important trend for the coming winter?

I think coats with three-quarters of the poor. Somehow impractical, but I find myself also very great. But filter out a trend I find it very difficult, there are so many!

What book are you reading and what is your favorite book?

I just read "See you tomorrow?" by Alice Kuipers. I can only recommend that it is about a 15 year old girl who communicates with her cancer-stricken mother by notes on the refrigerator.
have a favorite book I do not. My many favorite books would probably be beyond the scope here;)

know or read your friend or family member your blog?

No. (At least not that I know of)

thank you ♥

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Best Oil For Austin Mini Automatic

interview: couture and so on :)

My next interview I had with the 13-year-old Anne, who lives near Hanover. In her blog ' couture and so on ' you can convince them that it is now very fashionable.

How long have you blogging and how did you get that?

I blog since June of this year. Kurt in front of my 'blog beginning' I have read in an article about fashion blogs GLAMOUR what I wanted to try it sometimes:)

holst How you look at the inspiration of the topics on your blog?

direct inspiration I get is not me, I am often in the morning before my wardrobe and think about 15 minutes what should I wear, that I'm looking to try my outfits by:)
know If not me, as I have a particular garment is to combine fine for me, at times also in look book etc. ..

Which blogs do you read yourself happy?

Many different, there are some that I read very often, eg,, .. I also love the 'style' style versus content of!

Blog What would you suggest for an interview?

Hm. perhaps the blog:)

Which is the most important product in your life?

There is not really one specific .. :)

Who is your favorite designer?

I never really buy designer stuff ... However, I like the bags from Hermes and Mulberry very much. From her clothes, it all depends on the collections of the designers:)

What was your biggest styling sin?

Oh God, that was when I was 11: D I had a bright blue blouse and red tights .. wahh!

What would you never wear?

Well, white boots, pointed shoes, pants .. so the 'normal':)!

What goals do you have for the future?

My Abi in 4 years and then study. After that, I do not know what I want to work again. But I would love to do something with fashion!

What are you wearing anything around in your bag with you?

cell phone, wallet, powder, pencil? Notebook, handkerchiefs ...

can not get enough of what song you?

Eminem ft. Rihanna - Like the way you lie

Bob ft. Hayley Williams - Airplanes

thank you ♥

Sunday, September 5, 2010

How Soon After A Colposcopy Can I Have The Coil

Low trash on a train!

How Could Somebody Knows When She Is Pregnant

The Real Stuff ....

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How To Clean Outside Of Airstream Trailer

During Filzbegegnung in Hattingen were

aus dem Kurs mit Lyda Rump

from the course with Lyda Rump

from the course with Inge Evers

from the course with Inge Evers

from the course with Heidi Greb

the course with Heidi Greb

distortions from the course with Beatrix Schaaf-caster

from the course with Nilufar Badiian

from the course with Dorothea Fischbeck, Horacek