Tender 13 is the love Alice from Baden-Württemberg, which I could imagine a few short questions about herself and her blog ' Alice goes to Wonderland '.
How did you get the name of your blog and what does it mean to you?
I have a girlfriend a long time about the name and wanted him only Alice called in Wonderland, but then I got the idea that I now even go under the bloggers and deeper into the fashion world and found Alice goes to Wonderland more appropriate somehow.
Which blogs do you read yourself happy?
a very difficult question, I think, but my favorite I like:
Which blog would you suggest for an interview?
I believe her: http://tresjoli-jules.blogspot.com/
What is your favorite piece in your wardrobe?
my plain, black Rock H & M, because it can be really great to combine all well and is very practical and my secondhand blazer from Marc Cain.
What is up for the fashion must-have at the moment?
something earthier Boots to playful dresses and pretty much everything in the Marine style.
What did you just at the moment?
A white shirt from H & M, a taupe-colored high-waist skirt from H & M and a dark blue cardigan by ZARA
Which body part you can find with you on the most beautiful and which would you like to change?
Well, I find my legs and my stomach would be flat, but I think that everyone wants: D
What is your favorite movie?
Forrest Gump and The Devil Wears Prada
What question would you be interested in an interview the most?
wear what you ALWAYS, ALWAYS with rum really in your pocket?
What 3 things would you take to a deserted island?
I can not tell you as real, as must ich jetzt lange, lange drüber nachdenken.
DANKEschön ♥