Thursday, June 24, 2010

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interview: living on a carebearcloud

endlich durfte ich mal wieder ein interview führen, immerhin ist der blog ja eigentlich dafür da ;)
diesmal hatte ich die ehre der 24jährigen dresdnerin anne von living on a carebearcloud ein paar fragen zu stellen.

Seit wann bloggst du & wie bist du dazu gekommen?

Eigentlich blogge ich seit Ende 2007. Dazu gekommen bin ich über studivz. Da gab es einen Gruppe, wo man sich über Mode austauschen konnte. Leider gab es in dieser dann auch Zickenkrieg und da ich mit einem Mädchen befreundet war, dass in diesen "Krieg" verwickelt war, wurde ich aus der Gruppe ausgeschlossen (ich weiß bis heute nicht, was da eigentlich los bzw. das Problem war - WEIBER!! :D) Jedenfalls suchte ich nun nach einer Alternative um mich über Mode auszutauschen. Durch Zufall bekam ich dann mit, dass eines der Mädchen aus der Gruppe einen Blog leads (which there are now no longer - here are the remains: that I was fine and since the regular reading. On her blog was Aurela (still one of my favorites) link, so I dipped gradually into the blogger world. Of course, it was clear that I am now in the fingers itched and I very quickly had a blog with which I certainly did not last long ... Well ... "living on a carebear cloud" is my third blog: D

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Phew ... warm, happy, sloth:)

How did you come in the name of your blog?

The name comes indirectly from my friend! When we got to know us, he once said, I would float permanently on my pink Glücksbärchiwolke around, because I was always so happy and good in everything I saw. Hence the name:) He describes it were my motto for life: D

Which blogs do you read yourself happy?

Oh, there are many. But it changes frequently, since you can always discover new beads. What can I read blogs so you read in my blog list. I can say however that I do not like blogs, The always some photo spreads in newspapers or post pictures of recent fashion shows. I can look me in the net it all out yourself. Plays a particularly great collection feature is indeed perfectly legal, but there are people who do it almost every day - terrible! Constant feeling and suffering bruises I would not read. I want to see the style of the blogger and the interests and properties in terms of fashion. My absolute favorites are currently: (she is great!), Http:// (High fashion for the street), (My All -time classic), (probably the cutest Girl in the world), (I love her sense of humor), (Andy have to love it), (the Rihanna the blogger world - incredibly great), (one of the most sympathetic bloggers in the world:))

Which blog would you suggest for an interview?

Aynur of so it comes out even from the shadow of her sister:)

What did you just at the moment?

white shirt, blue green flower skirt, ballet flats

What is your favorite book?

only one? . (I love so many but if I may mention just one thing I say to match the theme of fashion "The Devil Wears Prada"

What is the most important clothing trend this summer

Blüüüüümchen on skirts, dresses? shoes ... just üüüberall:) and jeans in all variations (also known as skirt, dress, shoes ...) I especially love the time and wedges.

What was the main product in your life?

Auf Beauty bezogen? Mein Gilette Venus Breeze :D Stachlige Beine ertrage ich nicht!

Ansonsten Nutella und Nudeln :)

Was trägst du alles in deiner Handtasche mit dir herum?

ALLES :) Ich hatte dazu schonmal nen Post geschrieben ( Habe hier eben nochmal eine Momentaufnahme gemacht (ich habe z.B. inzwischen ein neues viel größeres Portmemonnaie von Mango, wo viel mehr reinpasst (z.B. die ganzen Kundenkarten von diversen Läden, die ich eh nie brauche :D)):

In the book nor my my notebook and a calendar are hidden, which I've also always with me. One can truly say that I'm out with my getaway capacity: D The book is by Sophie van der wand, including "Today, I'm Blonde" has written (as it is about their cancer).

What piece of clothing / accessory would you like to have?

general, I dream more of accessories such as bags and shoes: My biggest and so far the longest-running dream of my Louis Vuitton Speedy I'm going this year yet meet.

But many other designer bags (such as Chloé, A. Wang, Dior), I would have liked. And I dream, probably like many girls of their own pair of Louboutins ...

thank you ♥


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