Thursday, January 28, 2010

On The Sims 2 For Pc Can You Get Prams?


From 22 to 25 January I was in Berlin. In the studio of Mary Sagurna ( ) found including the semi-annual meeting of Filznetzwerkstatt ( ) instead.

On Friday morning I first went into the studio and I also Sigrid Bannier ( ) welcomed. Sigrid was already full in the wool. That is, it was a Filzkurs "jewelry from the area." To this end, many layers Merino fleece for a very solid felt processed. The resulting surface is then cut or punched out and there are great pieces of jewelry. Sigrid is the course where ever in my studio, so I could devote myself to the shopping belt of Filzzubehör like, book screws, angle rulers and other tools.

evening we met for dinner. Some women, however, had little time when she had to get it back into the studio to finish their chains aufzufädeln.

On Saturday afternoon was our last meeting. Topics included the International Filzausstellung, on 16 July in Wuppertal, the Historical Museum / Engels store is opened and the seal of quality. Felt need a seal of quality? Details later on this spot.

Finally, I then coming on the 15th German-speaking Filzbegegnung reported. This will take place from 15 to 18 July. Subsequently held the intensive courses. The lecturers are already on the page .

On Sunday Mary had thought up a Filzfrühstück. Breakfast was good but had nothing with felting, because we women have only talked. Was repeatedly cleared the table empty, but again there were fachsimpelnde women who came from the sticks onto sticks. Or rather, from one yarn to another template. I liked it very well. We had to hide anything and all have willingly given information as to how we handle the one or the other from felting. Unfortunately, this is not always so.


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