Sunday, May 30, 2010

Can Herpes Live In The Stomach


a trend this year is clearly the peace symbol. whether on clothing, as jewelry or other accessories such as blankets, etc. everywhere peace is called for - but unfortunately only in the fashion scene.
I personally stand totally on it & what do you think of this style?

via: google search

Pregnant In Shower Protection

DIS on a trash train

"DIS?" ....oNLy FaTCAp...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Burned Skin From Waxing

she sells seashells

a kind of inspiration post for the summer.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Shower With Sterling Silver

Interview: provinzkindchen

another interview I conducted with the 20 year old Hannah from near Graz (Austria). on her blog provinzkindchen I especially like the inspiration for many posts and great DIY ideas that you never seem to go out.

How long have you blogging and how did you get that?

I blog has been at least five years. They were mostly personal blog. provinzkindchen I run the blog since October 2008 after I finally roused to write a fashion blog, as I have always wanted. How did I get for blogging general I do not remember. The fashion blogging but I found a roundabout way and my favorite street style page Because that was the first street style site I know.

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

quiet, creative, loving.

How would you describe your blog and what distinguishes it from other blogs?

In my blog I post lots of inspiration, DIY ideas, but also from and to a few outfits, not sure if I forget to take beautiful photos. I would my blog as an inspiration and little diary, describe the love I share with everyone. What makes it different from other I can not say because there are so many blogs, and every different from the other.

How did you come to the name of your blog and what they mean to you?

is provinzkindchen The name came to me spontaneously a few years ago. It depends a bit to the fact that I for most people I know at the end of the world "live.

holst How do you look at the inspiration of the topics on your blog?

This is generally the case that I on the Internet, on the street, in shops, in magazines, etc. and starts something "great great great!" screams. Or me any idea that comes to mind and to the still an idea and then I have to post the course immediately and tell the others my idea to see if they keep him for so great or if they find it not as good as me.

Which blogs do you read yourself happy?

I have an endless list of various blogs that I like to read. Some of them can read in my link list. Most of all I like blogs with beautiful photos, good ideas and inspirations and outfits. At my current favorite blogs include, / fyndigt and

Which blog would you suggest for an interview?

the blog of Mel

What is your favorite piece in your wardrobe?
My black 9 € blazer by H & M. One can combine well with almost everything.

What is up for the fashion must-have at the moment?

wedges for the summer and clothes with large dots.

shoppst Where are you best online & live?

Live shoppe I prefer H & M, Pimkie, Vero Moda, Bershka, Zara, etc. stop at the usual suspects. And I've been online only at H & M, and La Redoute asos ordered. However, I also like online shops like topshop, miss selffridges and co very much.

Who is your favorite designer?

When designers I lay me down not because I have to know much about too little. But I like to like Marc by Marc Jacobs, Miu Miu and Rodarte.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Compared zu anderen Mädchen wahrscheinlich eher wenige, ich hab darauf nie so viel Wert gelegt. Ich hab nachgezählt, es sind 9 Paar, die ich alle regelmäßig trage.

Wie würdest du deinen Stil beschreiben?

Das ist eine schwere Frage. Ich bin der Meinung, dass ich nicht wirklich einen bestimmten Stil habe da mir alle paar Tage etwas anderes gut gefällt. Allerdings trage ich gerne Shorts mit Leggings, Cardigans und Treggings mit weiten Shirts, Blazer, lange Ketten, Ringe und ich liebe Streifen über alles. Und ich mags nicht wenn die Kombination die ich trage zu gemixt und gemustert ist.

Was inspiriert deine Outfits?

Mostly I am here and am very sadly uninspired minutes before the wardrobe, throw out everything I have and am at the end satisfied than before. I envy the girls themselves without much to attract great. Now and then jumps on me an outfit on a blog or in a magazine that I also like to try and meet once or will I have a spontaneous idea. But unfortunately this is not so often.

currently most stylish person?
This is again a difficult question. But like many, I love the style of Alexa Chung. And who I do not like is Effy from Skins. And of the bloggers: cocorosa, Andy from stylescrapbook and Frida by Frida at Fyndigt.

What would you never wear?

The color orange. But never say never, in the fashion world and bloggers, we know that what comes never. Just think of cycling shorts and clogs.

What piece of clothing / accessory would you like to have?

My dream wedges for the summer, I have not yet found, unfortunately, and a rose-colored bralet for under blouses and shirts.

What goals do you have for the future?

In my life I have the goal the finding for me what makes me happy and satisfied and live on this and with whom I can. And I wish for my blog that I'm still as much fun and that my wonderful readers continue to read along so diligently and love to write comments. Because without dear readers blogging is only half as good.

thank you ♥

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Home Remediesformaraij

BIFI must! Kudos

NO PANIC, this is (was) only a trash train ...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Implantation Bleeding Five Weeks

Interview: summerlisten

my first interview I conducted with josephine Creuzburg from the blog the summerlisten writes. I find it incredibly admirable, how with 16 years as stylish and boldly deals with fashion.

Since when do you blog and how did you get that?

I blog for over a year. On this basis, but only since September

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

bright, caring, flexible

How did you get the name of your blog and what does it mean to you?

That was actually more "random" summer was not really listen to the original name of my blog was called before "joue moi je" because I miss dior cherie, and the song was incredibly great.

Summer lists means widely, listen to the summer "because I love the feeling when it is from spring to summer.

holst How do you look at the inspiration of the topics on your blog?

I am inspired by other great blogs.

Which blogs do you read yourself happy?

Chic Muse ( ), The Cherry Blossom Girl

( ); Studded Hearts ( ) Late Afternoon ( ) Jak and Jil ( ); Lina di Moda ( ); The Stylish Heart ( )

Which blog would you suggest for an interview?

What is your favorite piece in your wardrobe?

all I like very much wants to set up really well garkeine favorite, but to answer the question: Loafers and my shorts

What is up for the fashion must-have at the moment?

Hm, a real "Must Have" ... Brogue Loafers or I would say, or generalized:

brown flats

shoppst Where is your favorite online and "live"?

I shop like to live, it would be nice if there would be only of the whole great online shops

also shops.

Who is your favorite designer?

Alexander Wang

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Not many: the 35 pairs

How would you describe your style?

heavy, very heavy.

I do not know, I love vintage-containing parts to be combined with new, I love floral dresses and rough boots, and I also am a very big fan of shorts

What inspires your outfits?

Great outfits for other bloggers or look book, in everyday life rather less.

currently most stylish person?

Denni (chic muse) and Alexa Chung still

What would you never wear?

Can I give an exact piece of clothing, because I do not know how my tastes will change in the Zukuft.

What piece of clothing / accessory would you like to have?

The Complete miu miu s / s 2010 collection, especially the shirt and the collar with the naked women.

And the great Alexander Wang Tying.

thank you ♥

Bunch Baked Canker Blossom

(Stein 1994)

oldstuff .... found today!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Best Airport To Visit Yellowstone


Mien is Sick .... For years I've
again sprayed a "chracter ...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Can You Do Circuits When Pregnant

fashion against aids - h&m

unfortunately all sold out;)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Images For Making A Curtain For Cupboard

top knots

Wm Rodgers And Sons Silverware

On 7 May, the exhibition was" opened at the Museo del Tessuto in Prato. I am very proud that my property "Ozonloch_gestopft" Here

exhibition dates.

Wuppertal - Historic Center, 17:07 to 15:08
Göttingen - lumberyard, 20.08 -. 12:09
hall. - New residence, 17.09. - 17.10.
Dresden - Japanese Palace, 28.10. - 12.12.
Forchheim - Palatinate Museum, 18:01:11 to 13:02:11

The exhibition catalog can be ordered from me.
Price 20 € plus shipping.

Brazilian Dad And Son Gay

J Crew Fall 2010

thought I'd get a little in rumgestöbert internet & a nice outfit at J Crew in the case 2010 Collection found - of course priceless to me;)

so I've put together a similar outfit on polyvore.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Popular Drugstore Makeup Brands

♥-lich willkommen

have some time I have the idea to create a new blog to German-speaking blogger-makers present. I can only hope that there is a successful and will ye be interested.
I will conduct interviews with inspiring bloggers publish & here. I also post other inspirations, such as photography and fashion.

I wish you (and me) have fun with this project.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Free Van Racking Template

TRASH TRAIN boming in Kaiseraugst .....

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The.notorious.jewel.denyle Online

Mien Mien

Cans,Beers & Pizzas @ Schaenzli Basel...
Thanx 2 SEAM & ASRAEL !