Saturday, December 26, 2009

Rosebud Salve For Tattoo

Filzkurs with Annemie Koenen

On 20 March 2010, held in my studio with a Filzkurs Annemie Koenen on "jewelry with surface design and embroidery
dependence on the wishes of the participants, There are several ways in this course. Man kan make a talisman, an amulet or a bangle and ring. If we have these little felted objects, we dry them and us deal with the decoration by embroidering with thread and / or pearls. In addition to embroidery also various web and weaving techniques are learned, as they are used in central Asia.

The course is 10-18 clock and including wool, snack and drink costs 90 €.

embroidery thread and other materials for incorporation must be brought. At registration you will receive a materials list.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Death From Ruptured Hernia


Sneakers ! Obwohl ich mich schon sehr lange und sehr ausgiebig mit dem Thema Sneakers befasse, habe ich bis anhin erst einen einzigen Post zu diesem Thema verfasst. Ich trage schon seit Jahren ausschliesslich "Kicks". Sei es zur Arbeit, in der Freizeit oder logischerweise beim Sport. Ich bin nach wie vor fasziniert von den unzählig vielen Marken und Modellen, welche ich auf meinen „City-Trips“ immer wieder entdecke. Letztes Wochenende ergatterte ich in Frankfurt zu meiner grossen Freude einen Adidas „TECH ROAD“, welcher tatsächlich (auch nach etlichen Jahren) noch Original verpackt war. Nachfolgend einige Store-Tipps im Zusammenhang mit meinen letzten beiden Trips :

Sneakers in Frankfurt :
2four7 könnt Ihr an der Weissfrauenstr 2 – 8 abchecken
Snipes you can find in the city on the main station 11

NIKE is domiciled in Frankfurt, even 2 times! Once at the Zeil 71-75 (downtown) and even outside the football stadium at its headquarters at the Otto-Fleck-lane 7 (Note: only open weekdays 12h-18h).

sneakers in Hamburg:
Sneakology is located in a trendy neighborhood in Hamburg on the market road 114, and 131

Snipes your place in Hamburg in Mönckebergstraße 25
NIKE is not to be overlooked in the Spitalerstr. 2, opposite the main railway station north

Current Comprehensive information on about sneakers you will get on Facebook after joining the group I ♥ Sneakers

Friday, June 5, 2009

Metronidazole The Day After Drinking

City Beach (Basel)

tonight Let's go! The City Beach Basel opens its doors to the roof of the exhibition park ....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dark Brown Mucus In Stool

Audi Forum Ingolstadt

Audi Ingolstadt
Originally uploaded by linguistone
New Pictures on Flickr from Ingolstadt

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Free Pattern For A Draft Excluder Free Pattern

So, that we would ever done. I have seen so many beautiful blogs over the felt, I thought: I will too! And with no plan, I then just had to start.

The picture is indeed not very successful, but it fits at least at Easter.

Let's see if I'm clear with my blog.

In any case, I wish you a Happy Easter.
